The Rammifications of Thought

So what's on your mind?

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I'm back

I can still vaguely recall the last line of the book, Lord of The Rings by JRR Tolkien (one great book really). It was something like this..Sam saying "I'm back". So there it is folks, after a hiatus of more than 6 weeks, I'm back. Why? Blame it on all the projects and stuff that have been keeping my occupied. PSM, tests, PYIC, I was on the verge of going crazy I tell ya. Haha and who said final year was supposed to be easy.

Blame it on the Deeparaya / Rayavali holidays, when I was free but without Internet access. But it was one hell of a holiday for me. Went to one of the nicest beach resorts I've ever been to, Damai Laut Lumut, with my family. The beach is nothing to shout about (Redang's the best), but the ambience there was just amazing. Only thing that didn't turn out nice was the fly colonies there. (Caution: Check your room for flies before checking in)

Blame it on the coming finals...darn exams keeping me from having a good time. But wait! Isn't it exam season right now, this moment I'm typing this blog? Haha overruled. Maybe I'm just plain lazy, or hangat-hangat tahi ayam as the Malay proverb goes.

Time for bed...tomorrow have to go make new student ID card...


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