The Rammifications of Thought

So what's on your mind?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

My house, my room

I've moved two times since my second year at UTM. First time cos we found a house in a better condition, just a few doors away from our old house, and the rent was the same as the current one. The second time was cos our landlord wanted to sell off the house, and so we ended up here.

Our house has 4 rooms, a master bedroom, 2 single rooms and also a double room. I'm occupying the double room but somehow it has become my's a long story. At RM625 per month, I think it's a bargain although the average rate out there is cheaper. I'm paying about 80 bucks for my room, which is downright cheap.

Since I'll be leaving Skudai in about a month's time, I took the chance to tidy up my room and took some snapshots of it for memory's sake.

A view of my desk, where I do my studies, assignments, surf, blog, eat my tapao-ed food etc. I have a habit of sitting on it when I'm deep in thought or frustrated...happens usually during exam time.

Place where I put some of my memorabilia, including some of the stuff that Gurl gave to me. Fancy the Valentine's Day 'box card'? Another one of Gurl's ingenious ideas.

Cabinet number 1, where I keep some of my non-fiction books and also textbooks.

Cabinet number 2, also for keeping books and old magazines. Oh and you can see my supplement bottles on the first rung, wouldn't have survived without them :)

Wardrobe, where I keep the skeletons that I have amassed through a lifetime of collecting. Yes, I have THAT many t-shirts. Pity it doesn't lead to a magical universe where I can be prince/king/tyrant.

Ah, my comfy bed. I'm not particularly fond of naps but it served me well. Spring mattress still has 3 years warranty, anyone interested?

You might wonder that there's not much stuff I have after five years here. Actually there's another cabinet outside my room and some miscellaneous stuff which I have chosen to exclude here.

It'll be a tough time for me to pack up everything, plus I need to get rid of the furniture too. Any takers? Everything's going at half price (negotiable).

Meanwhile, I need to find myself a room for the time being, somewhere in Kelana Jaya or Subang. If you have any 'lubang' please don't hesitate to let me know. I might pay you a middleman fee......

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