The Rammifications of Thought

So what's on your mind?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Warning: Blog in need of updating

BLOG (noun): An online web log that is updated periodically with a certain frequency eg 1 or 2 days.

Of course I made the definition up, but if that was the general rule my blog would've been considered half-dead by now.

Apologies for the lack of updates recently. Was caught up with all sorts of stuff that are totally not worthy of being expressed here (well, I couldn't think of one anyway).

So, if you don't already know, this post is an update of sorts in my recent (mundane) life.

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I was at the RSH warehouse sales on Sunday. I've not been to many and was sure shocked to see the condition of the so-called sales area. It was more like a dump site with apparel and other sporting goods strewn all over. But it was the last day and I guess there should be no surprise.

The place was packed though. I did, however, manage to get a backpack for my upcoming trip at a nice discount.

Jansport backpack with Airlift 2.1 and Infusion technology (TM). Doesn't it make you feel like owning one even though you have no idea what those terms mean?

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Speaking of the trip, some of my colleagues will be on their way to Cambodia soon to visit the ruins of Angkor Wat. I'm planning for the same trip albeit at a different time.

Total cost is estimated at a little less than RM1k, free and easy style. Whichs means we go by no certain plans except for the air tickets and maybe the first night stay.

With views like this, who can resist a visit?

Thanks to AirAsia, now everyone can fly.

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Speaking of flying, did you heard about the one where our PM ordered a new Airbus? Tailored to VVIP specifications some more? At RM50 million?

The bloggers are questioning where the money came from to make this big-boys-toys purchase. The mainstream media on the other hand, are telling us that the government is telling them that the aircraft is leased. Owned by Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad (PMB) kononnya.

So the (50) million dollar question is: Where does PMB get its funds? From the taxpayers' pockets?

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Speaking of politics, I had better stop here. The libel cases against Jeff and Rocky has yet again proved that it is not 100% safe anymore being a blogger. Bloggers United!

I have kind of digressed from what I planned to write. But I guess til next time, cheers!


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