The Rammifications of Thought

So what's on your mind?

Monday, February 26, 2007

The CNY Chronicles

So, it's the year of the Boar again. I say again cos this is the second time the chinese zodiac has reached a full cycle - a full 24 years of life.

How was CNY this year? It was as usual, celebrated among my own family members. No visiting relatives or the whole family reunion hoo-ha. Some people do love mingling around with cousins and uncles and aunties but I was never one too close with my relatives.

With relatives out of the picture, thank goodness for the people I've know since my school days. To put it in a way, I actually have two 'gangs' of friends; one is my lower secondary group of pals and the other my upper secondary friends.

So activities are usually carried out separately with these two bunch of people, though they might overlap some times. I might go to a friend's place a few times with different friends. Ah the beauty of being a transfer student.

Malaysia's next top model - who will it be?

Hence, new year was spent visiting friends, catching up with each other, hanging out, gambling and one thing I won't forget, sweating it out during the day time. Yes, this year's CNY celebration was HOT! Climatically speaking, if there is such a word.

I heard that those with the sign of the Boar are not going to have a good year, although it is, technically speaking, OUR year. We'll see how it goes.

Here's wishing a prosperous year to all of you porkies out there! No offence, really!


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