The Rammifications of Thought

So what's on your mind?

Saturday, April 15, 2006

My blog reborn

Welcome to this newly refurbished blog of mine!

Felt kinda bored so I changed the blogger template and did some other modifications as well. Had to do some tweaking with the code so that it'd resemble the old layout. Credits go to Caz for the template.

Added at the top is an image that I cooked up with photoshop in a few minutes....primitive yes, but I kinda like it. The pic of mine kinda sucks though but that'll have to do for now.

As you may have noticed, I've added links to my old blog and also to my other blog (about my hometown, Bentong) which I started recently...just to show how beautiful Bentong is. Contributors are most welcome. You don't have to be a native Bentongite, just as long as you have some experience with the place.

Any comments or suggestions? Please do let me know. As always, your reading pleasure is my priority :)

My next post will be about food, prepared by myself. It's not everyday I cook so stay tuned!

PS: Happy Easter everyone!

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© The Rammifications of Thought 2006 - 2007. Template by Caz.